tried and tested exam techniques all students needWhat is this book all about?
Preparing for an exam is like preparing for a battle. To succeed, you need to make sure you’re at the peak of your performance at the time of impact. It’s not easy, but it is a lot easier if you have the right strategy.
This is what this book is all about.
In it, Ian Gibbs has collected and digested the recommendations and advice from teachers, examiners and successful students and processed them into 23 Tips to help you get the highest grade you’re capable of.
23 Tips to Get Better Grades is a simple, user-friendly guide to making sure the opportunity you have to sit an exam and show the world what you can do won’t be wasted.
By learning these tips, you’ll not only be increasing your chances in your exams, but you’ll also be learning some important skills that will last you a lifetime.
Although the references are from the U.K., these tried and trusted tips come from successful students worldwide. Whether you’re a student in Honolulu, Helsinki or Huddersfield, this student-friendly book could make the difference you need to get the grade you deserve.
‘I wish I’d had this book when I was preparing for my exams. When I was studying for my GCSEs, I tried to revise, I had a drink at the ready, some relaxing music and a quiet space of my own. I sat down ready to revise only to realise I had no idea how to do it or where to start. It’s easy for teachers to say “revise”, but how do you actually do it? That’s when the panic set in for me. It was as if I had missed the lesson at school where you were taught how to revise properly. I imagined all of my classmates at home revising, making copious notes whilst I sat there not having a clue what I was supposed to be doing. This book would have solved that.’
– Andrew Strutt, former student
The author
‘Author, speaker and YouTuber, Ian Gibbs was born in Sheffield, England, where his family was convinced that due to his shy, retiring, nature he would never venture far from home.
After doing his degree in Theoretical Physics, Astronomy and Astrophysics at St. Andrews, Scotland and his Postgrad in Education in Cambridge, he decided he’d had enough of the British weather and went to work in Barcelona for a year – or maybe two.
One day he woke up to realise he’s now been there for 25 years, during which time he has set up one of Europe’s leading educational Theatre-in-English companies: IPA Productions, which has helped hundreds of thousands of children learn English.
He now helps students of all ages by giving motivational talks and workshops about learning skills in schools and colleges around Spain. When he is not speaking, he writes. He is the author of ‘The Sorites Principle: How to harness the power of perseverance’, ‘Learning a Language: How I managed it. How you can, too’, and ’23 Tips to Get Better Grades: Tried and tested exam techniques all students need’. His books are also available in Spanish.
He is married, has two children and a bouncy dog.